Friday, June 8, 2012

Graduation Day!!!

Bonsai (James B.) here.  What a week we have had!  This was our last week of our Training the Trainers training.  On Tuesday they took us on a field visit to Kibera Slums.  It is the largest slum in Africa and we saw just a minuscule part of it where LIA is working.  They have a health clinic that a fellowship of churches are running with LIA's help for just a little bit longer.  There are also community health evangelists (which are the members of the churches) that go out into the community and teach good health practices and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ through home visits. 

We also saw a shoe project where residents are taught on the equipment to make these really neat flip-flops that they are initially sending to a company in the United States to sell.  That contact is almost over though, so they are exploring other ways to sell the shoes.  It not only provides income for residents now, but gives them the training and confidence to work for a bigger company that uses similar machines. 

Since we recieved the full 10 day training that the leaders of the churches had, we were able to participate in the graduation ceremony on Thursday!  Dr. Florence and the Chairperson for LIA’s International Board was there to present us our certificates.  It was a great accomplishment to finish and be able to take this knowledge with us in the future. 

On Friday we went to Nairobi city center and got to walk around downtown.  It was really neat seeing such a modern city in the middle of East Africa, but also sad that these modern skyscrapers were so close to Kibera. 
We have an amazing week away from Nairobi ahead of us.  This will be the last time I will post until we get back next Sunday, so please keep Egypt in your prayers as they prepare for their critical elections on June 16th-17th that will decide the future of their country.  The already limited freedoms of Christians are literally at stake so I cannot stress enough to please keep them in your prayers.  Thanks a bunch for your support!! 

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